Rooted2 - Quit on Quiting - Chris Wall - 10-21-2018

October 22, 2018 00:40:25
Rooted2 - Quit on Quiting - Chris Wall - 10-21-2018
Rooted2 - Quit on Quiting - Chris Wall - 10-21-2018

Oct 22 2018 | 00:40:25


Show Notes

We say it like this: "Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and the church is His plan for sharing that hope with the world." God's desire is clear. He loves people. He wants to free you from your sin. He wants to involve you in His mission. He wants to do something in you and through you that can't possibly be explained because of you. And you are not alone. Of all the ways God could have chosen to share His hope with the world.... He chose you.

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