Ekklesia - Faith - Chris Wall - 5-7-17

May 08, 2017 00:41:25
Ekklesia - Faith - Chris Wall - 5-7-17
Ekklesia - Faith - Chris Wall - 5-7-17

May 08 2017 | 00:41:25


Show Notes

Every story ever told reveals one simple truth. Everyone wants to be chosen. Scripture is filled with real life stories of men and women chosen by God to make a difference in their world. They are called the EKKLESIA – a Greek word that means, “the called out ones”. It’s where we get the English word, “church”. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are one of the called out ones. You are part of this remarkable thing God calls His Church. You have been chosen by God for something significant in your community in this generation. This is the story of the called out ones, the ekklesia. It’s our story, together.

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